

FUCHS PETROLUB SE has changed its name to FUCHS SE. The resolution to change the name was passed at the Annual General Meeting in May 2023.

“The term PETROLUB refers to the origin of the raw materials and is of no relevance today either in brand communication or in the company names of the Group companies, and it can lead to a misconception of our business model,” explained Chief Technology Officer Sebastian Heiner. “FUCHS has been focusing for a long time on the development, manufacture and distribution of highly efficient lubrication solutions for the operation of equipment and machinery. In light of increasing technical requirements and sustainability efforts, the focus is on high-performance raw materials from sustainable sources, which is why the name component PETROLUB is no longer appropriate. In addition, the word PETROLUB is not part of the company name of the 56 FUCHS subsidiaries worldwide and is therefore not an issue from the customer’s point of view.”

“As a high-tech company, we want to expand our technology leadership in strategically important application areas, be it in the fields of digitalization, future mobility or sustainability. With the current renaming, we are underlining our focus on advanced, process-oriented and holistic solutions for lubricants and functional fluids,” said CEO Stefan Fuchs.

Today, the FUCHS product portfolio comprises more than 10,000 products in almost all industry segments, including fluids such as thermofluids.

The renaming to FUCHS SE is expected to take place on July 3, 2023.